Showing posts with label BIST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BIST. Show all posts

Mar 22, 2024

Table of Contents

Here is the blog site map. Feel free to post your feedback to improve it further. 


1.Introduction : 

1.1  Career Growth in VLSI Industry

1.2  The Future of Semiconductor 

2. VLSI Topics

2.1  Semiconductor Job Portal - Intern & freshers  

2.2  Digital Design for Beginners and Professionals

2.3  Career Growth in VLSI Industry

2.4  The Future of Semiconductor 

2.6  VLSI Industry Update

2,7  List of Semiconductor Companies

2.8  Top 10 VLSI companies

2.9  VLSI Industry Updates

2.10 Engineering Basics

2.11 Open Sourced FREE CAD/EDA VLSI tools 

2.12 List of top 10 companies in Semiconductor - 2021 

2.13 The best top 20 universities for MS in Digital VLSI in USA

2.14 Solution: Verilog HDL A guide to Digital Design and Synthesis - Samir Palnitkar 

2.15 Question Answer on VLSI Semiconductor 

 3. Digital Design:

3.1  Low Power Design Technique

3.7  UPF Example 

3.23 Type of Adders with Verilog Code

3.24 VHDL operator 

3.25 Asynchronous FIFO with Programmable Depth

3.26 Asic Implementation Design Cycle 

3.27  Comparing AMBA AHB to AXI Bus using System Modeling. 

3.28 Difference between I2C or CAN protocol ? 

3.29  Retention Cells - UPF

4. Semiconductor Interface/Bus Protocols

4.4  SPI

4.7  Microwire IP Interface 

6.18 Verilog code for Synchronous FIFO ( First In First Out  )

10.3 Physical Aware Synthesis 

11. Integrated-Circuit Fabrication

12. AHB-AXI Protocol 

13. PCIe Protocol 

14. Solution  :Samir Palnitkar : A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis 

15. Place holder5

16. DAA

17. Scripting/Others

17.3  GVIM Help

18. Interview Preparation

18.5 Digital Design Interview Question on PCIe express 


19. Academic/ Educational Projects with Micro-Architecture and Verilog code

19.4  Microwire IP  

20. Verification

21. Physical Design

21.2 Physical Design - Common Questions  

22. General Question:

22.1  Logical Question

22.2  APTITUDE Question for Interviews

22B . VLSI Quiz 

22B.1  Quiz1 : Digital Design

23. Non-VLSI Topics:

23.8 How to start a academic project 

23.9  Team Leadership Score check 

23.10 Team Leadership Question/Answer

23.11 Being productive while working from home 

24. Salary Around the Globe

24.1 Norway Salary - Average salary for Senior Software Engineer in Norway with 10+ years experience? 

24.2  Sweden Salary - An Average salary in Sweden for IT professional  

25. Job Opportunities in Norway 

25.1  Norway Salary - Average salary for Senior Software Engineer in Norway with 10+ years experience? 

25.2  Is it hard to get a job in Norway, as a foreigner?

25.3  Living cost in Norway , compared with India


26. Finland Opportunities in IT Sector

26.1  Moving to Finland from India , is it worth ?

27. Funny Posts ( non technical )

27.1 40+ Photos That Evoke a Lot of Curious Questions and Can’t Be Explained

Feb 13, 2014

BIST - Built-in-self-Test

BIST generates its own stimulus and analyzes its own response.  BIST is used normally to validate a product in labs, there are different kind of BIST used in system to validate.
one of the method is , using LFSR, LFSR generates random stimulus and it is expected that chip is in its normal functional mode. with the configuration, with LFSR , one can validate the data path in system or in IP.

What is the motivation for BIST ? 
-> cost-efficient testing
-> stuck-at-fault model
-> cost of ATE (Automatic Test Equipment)

Types of BIST  

-> on-line BIST 
->  Concurrent on-line BIST 
Occurs simultaneously with normal functional operation , normally coding techniques or duplication and comparison are used.

 ->   Non-concurrent on-line BIST 
Carried out while in idle state , by executing software or firmware routines .

-> off-line BIST
System is not in its normal functional mode.

-> Functional off-line BIST 
It is based on a functional description of the circuit under test and uses functional high level fault models.

-> Structural off-line BIST 
Execution based on the structure of the circuit under test and used structural fault models.
Example -  Stuck-At-Fault  (SAF)  - cell stuck at constant value
                  Transition Fault  (TF)    - a cell which fails to go from 0->1 or 1->0  transition
                  Coupling Fault (CF)     - write operation to one cell changes the contents of a second cell

General Architecture of BIST 

Below is typical architecture of BIST testing , bist generator and bist collector would be inside DUT or outside DUT , depends on the BIST type.

LFSR Based Testing  : 

LFSR :  Linear Feedback Shift Register , hardware that generates psedo-random pattern for CUT (circuit under test)

BILBO : Built-In logic block observer , extra hardware need to convert flip-flop into scan chain in test mode.
Exhaustive Testing  : Apply all possible 2 (power of) n pattern to a circuit with n inputs , this will take more ATE time.

Pseudo-exhaustive testing:  Break circuit into small , overlapping blocks and test it.

Psudo Random test generation :

PRBS is basically a polynomial having a standard definition,  for exam - PRBS7, PRBS8, PRBS10, PRBS 31 ..

higher the number of PRBS, pattern will be more random and possibilities to hit a expected pattern in pattern generation will increased.

below is one example of implementation of polynomial, if you are more interested to go in more deep, send a email to me.

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