Jun 20, 2016

Verilog Projects

Here are few Verilog Projects which can be used as educational projects.

If you are looking for some tutorial to start a academic project, go to  "How to start a academic project"

One can try coding for below topics.

Welcome Code ->  Display "Welcome" using Verilog.

One can make design architecture specification and start verilog coding for the same. If you have interest in verification, You can have interface timing with dummy DUT and can start building up verification environment.
  1. Verilog Code for 8-bit ALU
  2. Light-PCIe  ( one can make LTSSM for PCIe Gen1/2)  
  3. Ethernet Mac 
  4. AHB Controller 
  5. APB Controller 
  6. AXI bridge  - AHB -to AXI 
  7. AXI Controller 
  8. AXI interconnect 
  9. Memory Controller 
  10. FIR Filter
  11. Asynchronous FIFO with 32-bit depth
  12. SPI
  13. I2C master/slave
  14. UART Tx/Rx 
  15. USIM Tx/Rx
  16. MicroWire 
  17. SPI 4.2 
  18. AES (in Encryption )
  19. Image Processing ( hardware for Image scaling) 
  20. Round Robin arbitration 
  21. Bluetooth baseband Controller
  22. GPIO 
  23. Manchester UART
  24. Manchester encoder/decoder
  25. 8b/10b encoder/decoder
  26. RS232
  27. SPDIF Interface
  28. Configurable Viterbi decoder
  29. Floating point FFT
  30. Generic FIR Filter
  31. SDRAM Controller
  32. DDR Controller 
  33. Parallel CRC Generator
  34. OCP_TO_SPI_Bridge 

Generic Logical Projects :
  1. Traffic light controller using Task
  2. Lift controller for 4 floor building
  3. 2 lifts in one apartment , design logic to build circuit to handle 10 story apartment. 
  4. Design a circuit to find the direction of rotation of a wheel, assume whatever is required to build circuit with minimum usage of hardware.

I would say, start learning the protocols and you will only be knowing it when you actually start working on it. 

Here is the link for Academic projects.

RTL code will be available soon, please make this link as bookmark.


  1. Thanks , good work.

  2. hello sir, i am trying to implement md5. stuck somewhere in rtl . can u help me finding the bug in rtl

  3. Ping me if any one is looking for gaining extra skill set , you can also comment if you have any other educational project which is not listed above.

  4. sir when will you upload code for the all the modules

    1. It's long process, if some of you able to work with me, we can publish all codes soon.
