May 14, 2014

UPF Example

Below link is the UPF example, I have tried my best to put all things in one page to get better understanding.

You might have to adjust your display setting to view it properly.

This diagram does not included the advanced command of UPF (new commands added in UPF2.0 ) , I will try to get those command in same figure .. Keep visiting my blog for updates.

My linked-in profile -
Linked-in (Rahul Jain)

Other useful links -
How To debug a simulation 
Refreshing your brain with Verilog 
Digital Design of Hybrid Memory Cube
Correct way of  Digital design RTL Coding
Clock Gating Circuits
Digital Design Interview Question
Knowledge on Verification

Simulator Execution for Blocking and non-blocking statement 


  1. Can you write an example for upf 2.0 please ??

    1. Do you have anything specific in your mind ?

    2. Thaq rahul bro very nice information it will Very use full for me

    3. Please share physical design and physical verification inputs and explanation
