How to pass parameter in verilog design from the top module ?
There are different method to do that , when a module is instantiate with different usage, probably width is one of the parameter which may not be same for all instantiation. For example, There is a FIFO design in which depth of the FIFO is parameterized mean FIFO depth can be set from top module. In below design , we see how to do that.
module fifo (
parameter DEPTH = 10
input addr[ ] ,
input data [] ,
Now we want to use this module in design A.
module A ( input A ,
input B
// While instantiating the module, parameter can also be passed to fifo module.
fifo #( .DEPTH(16) ) inst_fifo
in fifo #( .DEPTH(16)) inst_fifo , we can use parameter also.
fifo #(.DEPTH(FIFO1_DEPTH)) inst_fifo ..
There are different ways to pass the parameter from top module.
Above parameter can be pass to module in this way also.
fifo #(FIFO1_DEPTH) inst_fifo ..
In this case , if there are more than 1 parameter then order should be followed.
If a module has localparam , then it can not be override.
We can override the default values, either using defparam or by passing a new set of parameters during instantiation. We call this parameter overriding.
A parameter is defined by Verilog as a constant value declared within the module structure. The value can be used to define a set of attributes for the module which can characterize its behavior as well as its physical representation.
Defined inside a module.
Local scope.
Maybe overridden at instantiation time.
If multiple parameters are defined, they must be overridden in the order they were defined. If an overriding value is not specified, the default parameter declaration values are used.
Formal Definition
Parameters are constants typically used to specify the width of variables and time delays.
Simplified Syntax
parameter identifier = constant_expression ,
identifier = constant_expression ;
defparam hierarchical_path = constant_expression ;
This syntax is specified in the IEEE Standard (1800-2009, for example).
defparam is set during compilation time.
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