How to do binary to gray code conversion -
Verilog Code for Binary to Gray code conversion ->
Equation for Gray code
Hardware for Binary to Gray Code ->
/*Logic to convert binary numbers into Gray coded binary numbers is implemented in the following Verilog Code.
module binary2gray();
reg clk;
reg rstn;
reg [5:0] counter_binary, counter_binary_reg, counter_gray, counter_gray_reg;
integer count, file_wr;
/* Initial block to generate clock and reset */
initial begin
clk = 0; rstn = 0; #100 rstn = 1;
forever begin
#10 clk = !clk;
end end
/* Synchronous Logic for registering the data and incrementing the counter for binary data */
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rstn)
if (!rstn) begin
counter_binary_reg <= 'b0;
counter_gray_reg <= 'b0; end
else begin
counter_binary_reg <= counter_binary + 1;
counter_gray_reg <= counter_gray;
$display("binary number= 6'b%b : gray en-coded binary number = 6'b%b", counter_binary_reg, counter_gray_reg); end end
/* Logic is to get Gray code from Binary code */
function[5:0] binary2gray ;
input[5:0] value;
integer i;
binary2gray[5] = value[5];
for (i=5; i>0; i = i - 1)
binary2gray[i-1] = value[i] ^ value[i - 1];
/* Get gray encoded output */
always @(*)
counter_gray = counter_gray_reg;
counter_binary = counter_binary_reg;
counter_gray = binary2gray(counter_binary_reg); end
Verilog File -> Binary_to_gray.v
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