Oct 7, 2021

Norway Salary - Average salary for Senior Software Engineer in Norway with 10+ years experience?


Many of us looking for salary information in Norway , Here are the some figures from internet.

It will depend quite a bit on what line of business you’re in and what formal education you have. Here are some general pointers which might give you an approximate idea what to expect:

The average salary for all full-time employed Norwegian men in 2015 was 47200,- nok a month (or $5700). If you want to convert that to a yearly salary you need to subtract 5 weeks vacation, but add 12% vacation-pay to get a total of around $70K/year.

The average salary for someone with a degree resulting from at least 3 years of studies (true for most senior software engineers) is 54200 nok a month (or $6500), that corresponds to a yearly salary of about $80K.

Your tax-rate will depend on what deductions you have. If you’ve got a mortgage and kids and a stay-at-home wife it’ll be lower than if you’ve got neither of those things. About 35% taxes is a reasonable guesstimate for someone with a salary in this range, and if you pay 35% taxes, then your average take-home pay would be about $4300/month. (that’s my approximate tax-rate with a salary similar to this, I’ve got 3 kids but they’re old enough to have zero childcare-costs by now and I’ve got only a small mortgage, plus my wife works and earns an amount similar to my own)

In reality you’d take home a bit less than that most months, but MORE than that in June and December, that happens because usually taxes in Norway are not split in 12 equal parts, but instead split into 10.5 parts, and you pay zero taxes in June and only half taxes in December. (this doesn’t affect the sum total of taxes paid, it’s just a question of -when- you pay those taxes)

Another view:

For engineers working in the private sector, these are the average salaries depending on number of years of experience:

  1. 10–19 years experience: 861 062 NOK ($100k).
  2. 20–29 years experience: 1 009 021 NOK ($120k)
  3. 30+ years experience: 1 077 788 NOK ($128k)

The average does not tell the whole story, of course. Someone who is in a leading role or working as a consultant could be making substantially more, while others could be making less. It also depends on region. Places like Oslo and Stavanger pay higher.

I’d say anywhere from 600 000 NOK to about 1 200 000 NOK is normal for someone with 10 years experience or more.

One more 

A quick look on Glassdoor tells you that on average, a Senior Software Engineer earns around 550,000 NOK a year. If we convert it to USD, it is going to be a little bit less than 65,000 USD. However you should put in mind that Norway is one of the most heavily taxed countries in the world with a tax rate that can reach 45% in some cases. This means that you will roughly earn 2500 USD after tax.

Hope this will give you some idea about the salary structure in Norway.

1 comment:

  1. I work in DFT domain , How could i explore the jobs opportuunities in norway?
