Nov 23, 2024

Verilog code for 8/10 bit encoder


An 8-to-10 encoder is a type of encoder that takes an 8-bit input and produces a 10-bit output. It is often used in digital communication systems for error detection and correction, as well as in certain encoding schemes. The encoder typically works by converting an 8-bit data word into a 10-bit output that includes additional error detection or other information.

In this case, we will create a Verilog code for an 8-to-10 encoder that includes two additional bits for error detection, making the total output 10 bits long.

Verilog Code for 8/10 Encoder:

module encoder_8to10(
    input [7:0] data_in,  // 8-bit input data
    output reg [9:0] data_out  // 10-bit encoded output

// Always block triggered on changes to the input data
always @ (data_in)
    case (data_in)
        8'b00000000: data_out = 10'b0000000000;
        8'b00000001: data_out = 10'b1111100001;
        8'b00000010: data_out = 10'b1111100010;
        8'b00000011: data_out = 10'b1111100011;
        8'b00000100: data_out = 10'b1111100100;
        8'b00000101: data_out = 10'b1111100101;
        8'b00000110: data_out = 10'b1111100110;
        8'b00000111: data_out = 10'b1111100111;
        8'b00001000: data_out = 10'b1111101000;
        8'b00001001: data_out = 10'b1111101001;
        8'b00001010: data_out = 10'b1111101010;
        8'b00001011: data_out = 10'b1111101011;
        8'b00001100: data_out = 10'b1111101100;
        8'b00001101: data_out = 10'b1111101101;
        8'b00001110: data_out = 10'b1111101110;
        8'b00001111: data_out = 10'b1111101111;
        // Add more cases as needed for other 8-bit inputs.
        default: data_out = 10'b0000000000; // Default case


Explanation of Code:

  1. Inputs and Outputs:

    • data_in: This is the 8-bit input data.
    • data_out: This is the 10-bit output data generated by the encoder.
  2. Always Block: The always block is triggered whenever the data_in changes. This block evaluates the data_in and assigns the corresponding 10-bit output to data_out.

  3. Case Statement: The case statement is used to map each possible 8-bit input (data_in) to its corresponding 10-bit output (data_out). In this example, I have only defined the mapping for a few of the 8-bit inputs. You would need to extend the case statement for all the 8-bit values (0-255).

  4. Default Case: A default case is included to handle any undefined or unexpected values of data_in. In this case, it will output 10'b0000000000.


  • This Verilog code is a simple 8-to-10 encoder, and depending on your application, you might need to define the exact 10-bit output format.
  • Typically, in an 8-to-10 encoding scheme, the additional bits in the output could serve purposes such as:
    • Error detection (e.g., parity bits).
    • Error correction.
    • Synchronization bits.
    The values in the case statement should be updated according to the specific encoding scheme you are using.

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