1. Declare a register called oscillate, Initialize it to 0 and make it toggle every 30 time units. Do not use "always" statement. (hint: Use the forever loop )
reg oscillate ;initial
oscillate = 0 ;
#30 oscillate = ~oscillate ;
Sol 2.
module test;
reg clock ;
// Initialize clock to 0
clock = 0 ;
// duty cycle 25%
// 0 1 1 1 -> time period is 10
always begin
#10 clock = 0 ;
#10 clock = 1 ;
#10 clock = 1 ;
#10 clock = 1 ;
a = 1'b0
b = #10 1'b1
c = #5 1'b0 ;
d = #20 (a,b,c)
Here , a will execute at 0ns
b will execute after 10 time unit.
c will execute after 5 time unit.
d will execute after 20 time unit.
they are all blocking statement
0ns 10 ns 15ns 35 ns
a =0 b=1 c=1 d = 0,1,0
Sol 4.
a <= 1'b0
b <= #10 1'b1
c <= #5 1'b0 ;
d <= #20 (a,b,c)
All statement will execute at 0ns , their values will be stored and will be assigned after respective time unit.
0ns 5ns 10 ns 20ns
a=0 c=0 b=1
d will be 'x' as at time 0 , a,b,c values were 'x' ( un-initialize)
Sol 5.
both initial block will execute at simulation time 0 in parallel.
a will be 0
c will be b and it will assign at the end of delta cycle , b is assign to 1 so c will be assign to 1 at the end of 0ns time cycle.
b will be 1
d will be a , assigned at the end of delta cycle , d will be 0 (a will execute first in 0ns time unit cycle)
Sol 6.
b,c would be assign at time 0 ns.
d will assign value at time 25ns , till that time, d value will be unknown.
Sol 7.
module d_ff ( input clear, input clk, input d ,output q );
reg q ;
always @(negedge clk) begin
if (clear)
q <= 1'b0 ;
q <= d ;
Sol 8.
module d_ff ( input clear, input clk, input d ,output q );
reg q ;
always @(negedge clk or posedge clear ) begin
if (clear)
q <= 1'b0 ;
q <= d ;
Sol 9.
module d_latch ( clk, d, q );
input clk ;
input d;
output q ;
always @(*) begin
wait (clk)
q = d ;
example 7.14
module mux4_to_1 ( out, i0, i1,i2,i3,s1,s0);
output out;
input i0,i1,i2,i3;
input s1,s0 ;
always @(*) begin
if (s1 & s0 ) // 1 1 -> i3
out = i3 ;
else if (s1 & !s0) // 1 0 -> i2
out = i2 ;
else if (!s1 & s0) // 0 1 -> i1
out = i1 ;
else if (!s1 & !s0) // 0 0 -> i0
out = i0;
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